Can My Own Platelets Rejuvenate My Skin?

The PRP facial has gained a lot of prominence in recent years, because of its amazing benefits. However, many people still consider the procedure a fad and wonder if it really works. As a result, they are curious to find out – Can my own platelets rejuvenate my skin.

Can your Own Platelets Rejuvenate your Skin?
Yes, it is possible to use your own platelets to rejuvenate your skin, and it’s done with a simple technique known as Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy. PRP therapy is now a popular facial cosmetic procedure for renewing and revitalizing the skin.

How PRP rejuvenates the skin
The blood is first drawn from the patient, and then spun in a centrifuge to isolate the plasma that contains platelets and healing growth factors. The concentrated serum of platelets is then injected back into the skin and the growth factors soon restore and heal the skin from within.

PRP therapy triggers the skin’s natural repair process, resulting in an increase in collagen production. Collagen is a skin protein that makes the skin tighter, improves skin texture, and reduces fine lines.

PRP leaves the skin smooth and radiant. It is regularly used as an anti-aging treatment because it addresses skin concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, and volume loss. Patients find PRP very appealing, because it is an all-natural skin rejuvenation solution.

Doctors have been using PRP for many years to help athletes heal injured or failing joints, but it has only recently been applied to the cosmetic industry.

PRP can be performed on its own, or done in conjunction with other cosmetic treatments such as laser skin resurfacing, dermal fillers, and microneedling.

Would you like to learn more about PRP therapy for skin rejuvenation? Search our directory to find a practice in your area.

If you are in the Orange County area, Total Dermatology, Irvine, CA is our featured practice.

You can reach them at, or by calling 949-727-3800.

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