Can PRP Treatments assist in Biologic Joint Preservation?

Surgery does not have to be the only solution for joint damage. Joint preservation is an emerging field that offers an alternative for patients seeking help with joint pain, due to cartilage deterioration or injury. There are several joint preservation procedures now being used to restore joint function, including one that utilizes Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). But how can PRP treatments assist in biologic joint preservation? Let’s find out.

Biologic Joint Preservation
Biologic joint preservation encompasses a range of processes that focus on preserving the biological structures of the joints, rather than replacing joint tissue. Joint preservation techniques include Osteochondral autograft transplantation, autologous chondrocyte implantation, Osteochondral allograft transplantation, and PRP therapy.

PRP Therapy in Joint Preservation
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a non-surgical procedure often used to treat a range of orthopedic injuries. It is a regenerative injection treatment that combines platelets and growth factors, toaccelerate the healing process. PRP is concentrated blood platelets prepared from a patient’s own blood.

How does it work
The process begins with blood being drawn from the patient, after which the platelets are separated. Theplatelets are then passed through a centrifuge to make them more concentrated, and also to increase the growth factors. The PRP is then injected into the damagedjoint, where it stimulates the healing process.

PRP is beneficial for people with sports injuries, as well as pain due to osteoarthritis.

If you would like to learn more about the use of PRP treatments in biologic joint preservation, contact Frank McCormick, MD,orthopedic surgeon. Dr. McCormick practices at the LESS Institute in South Florida. They have offices in several locations, including Orlando, Miami, Doral, West Palm Beach, and Boca Raton. Call 866-956-3837 today and schedule a consultation.

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