How Long Do Results From MiraDry Last?

Do you struggle with sweaty armpits? While underarm sweating is quite normal, many men and women experience excessive underarm sweating due to overactive sweat glands. miraDry is the perfect solution for this embarrassing problem. It is a quick, innovative treatment that delivers immediate results. But how long do results from miraDry last.

miraDry for underarm sweating
miraDry is a non-invasive treatment for underarm sweating that works by eliminating the sweat and odor glands. It uses proven microwave technology that is safe for all skin types and skin tones.

miraDry delivers electromagnetic energy to the armpits that targets and destroys the sweat glands. Treatment takes approximately 60 minutes, and most patients achieve the desired results with just one treatment. However, up to 3 treatments may be required.

There is little to no pain during miraDry treatment, as a local anesthetic is used to numb the underarms at the start of the procedure.

Since miraDry is a non-invasive treatment downtime is minimal. After the procedure patients may experience some swelling, bruising, and tingling, but this usually resolves within a few days.

How long do results from miraDry last?
miraDry provides long lasting results, and preliminary studies indicate that the effects should last for at least 2 years. However, since the treated sweat glands do not regenerate, it’s expected that miraDry should deliver results that are permanent.

After treatment patients notice a significant reduction in sweating, so they don’t have to use deodorant. They also experience a decrease in body odor.

Would you like to get rid of sweaty armpits for good? Search our directory to find a practice in your area.

If you are in the El Paso, TX area, El Paso Cosmetic Center is our featured practice.

You can reach them at, or by calling (915) 800-0621.

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