How Long Until My Hyperpigmentation Disappears with IPL Treatment?

Do you have sun spots or age spots on your face that you would like to erase? It’s often difficult to treat hyperpigmentation topically, but IPL photorejuvenation is an excellent non-invasive approach. IPL is an effective treatment that leaves the skin clearer and lighter. However, one of the questions patients frequently ask about the procedure is – How long until my hyperpigmentation disappears with IPL treatment.

What is hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation refers to the discoloration or darkening of the skin, and it can be brought on by factors such as excess sun exposure and acne.

Hyperpigmentation often occurs when melanocytes are stimulated. Melanocytes are the cells in the skin that produce melanin, which is the pigment that gives skin its color. When more than normal amounts of melanin are produced, dark spots form on the skin. The surplus production of melanin may be triggered by sun exposure, inflammation or hormonal changes.

Sun spots, brown spots, freckles, and melasma are among the most common pigmentation problems.

What is IPL?

IPL (intense pulsed light) also known as photorejuvenation is a skin rejuvenation procedure that is used to reduce sun damage and hyperpigmentation on the face, neck, and chest. IPL may also be used to treat other skin issues such as fine lines, wrinkles, and broken capillaries. The procedure also evens skin tone and gives the skin a more youthful appearance.

IPL Photorejuvenation for hyperpigmentation

The patient’s skin is cleansed before treatment, and then a clear gel is placed over the treatment area. A protective eye shield is used to protect the eyes during IPL treatment.

The IPL device delivers a broad spectrum of intense light that penetrates the outer layer of the skin and is absorbed by the pigments. The heat breaks down the pigments into small particles that rise to the surface, or are cleansed via the immune system. The heat also stimulates collagen, so new, brighter skin cells eventually emerge.

Patients may experience a slight stinging sensation with IPL treatment, but it is not generally painful.

After treatment patients are advised to wear sunscreen and minimize exposure to sunlight for a week or two.

IPL treatment can be customized to suit varying skin tones and skin issues in order to achieve the best results.

How Long Until My Hyperpigmentation Disappears with Laser Treatment?

After IPL photorejuvenation the treated area gets noticeably darker and this can last anywhere from 7-14 days. How long it takes hyperpigmentation to disappear will also vary depending on the area of the body being treated. Hyperpigmentation on the face typically disappears a lot faster than on the chest or arms.

Doctors advise patients to keep the skin well moisturized and hydrated to help the recovery process along.

The type of spots being treated and the depth of the pigmentation also influence how long it will take hyperpigmentation to disappear. The pigmented cells that are targeted during IPL treatment are usually in the epidermis, which is the upper layer of the skin. Once treated, the cells slowly rise to the surface, and this process can take several weeks.

Spots that are close to the surface of the skin will flake off a lot quicker than those that are deep seated. For example, melasma is more difficult to remove when compared to other forms of hyperpigmentation such as sunspots and brown spots, as the pigments are situated deep in the skin.

It typically takes a series of treatments to get the best results with IPL photorejuvenation. This may range from 3-5 treatments, depending on the amount of hyperpigmentation that needs to be corrected.

Are you a good candidate for IPL?

If you have spots on your skin due to excess pigmentation, you may be a good candidate for IPL therapy. It’s the ideal treatment for people that don’t need to undergo a more intensive skin rejuvenation procedure, which will require a lengthy downtime.

Are you ready to book your IPL treatment for hyperpigmentation?

If you are in the greater Denver, CO area, Colorado Skin & Vein, Englewood is our featured practice. At Colorado Skin & Vein they use the innovative CUTERA xeo IPL device for treating pigmentation.

Call (720) 594-5063 today to set up a consultation.

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