I Had a Cataract Surgery Two Years Ago – is Latisse Safe with Lens Implants?

If you’ve stressed about your eyelashes for years because they are not thick enough, it’s now possible to enhance them with Latisse. Latisse is a safe solution that has been FDA cleared for thicker, longer lashes, but some people, particularly those with lens implants, are still concerned about safety. One patient recently asked their doctor – I had a cataract surgery two years ago – is Latisse safe with Lens implants?

What is Latisse?
Latisse is a prescription medication that has been specially formulated to make the eyelashes grow longer, and thicker. It typically takes 16 applications of Latisse to get lashes that are fuller, darker, and more attractive. Using Latisse is a great way to give your face a rejuvenated look.

Is Latisse safe with lens implants?
Latisse consists of bimatoprost, which is an ophthalmic solution that is used topically for the treatment of glaucoma. It is generally safe for use after cataract surgery, but doctors recommend that patients wait a few days before applying.

When applied correctly, Latisse should only be put on the base of the upper eyelid, using the applicator supplied with the product. This will ensure that the product does not come in contact with the surface of the eye. Latisse is not to be placed inside the eye or on the lower eyelid, thereforeit won’t affect any lens implants you may have.

Some common side-effects of using Latisse include eye irritation, skin darkening, and dryness of the eyes.

If you’ve had cataract surgery, and would like to start using Latisse, contact New View Eye Center, Reston, VA, for more information. Call 703 834 9777 today, and schedule a consultation with Dr. Jacqueline Griffiths.

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