IntraLase LASIK Vs Traditional LASIK: Which is better?

LASIK surgery is an advanced vision correction method that uses laser technology to treat refractory errors such as farsightedness, nearsightedness, and astigmatism.LASIK surgery can be performed with a blade or without a blade (IntraLase). This has given rise to an ongoing debate about IntraLase LASIK vs traditional LASIK, and eye doctors continue to weigh in on which is better.

LASIK surgery
Refractive errors interfere with the eye’s ability to focus, therefore LASIK surgery involves the reshaping of the corneal tissue. It is performed on an outpatient basis, and only takes about 15 minutes on average. The procedure is almost painless, but patients are given anesthetic eye drops prior to surgery.

During the procedure the surgeon has to create a corneal flap in order to access the tissue below. In traditional LASIK surgery, this is done using a microkeratome, which is an instrument with a disposable blade.

However, with IntraLase LASIK the flap is made with the use of a laser, hence it is often referred to as ‘bladeless LASIK.’ At the New View Eye Center in Reston, VA, Dr. Jacqueline Griffiths uses the VISX S4 Excimer Laser to perform surgery.

IntraLase LASIK vs Traditional LASIK: Which is better?
IntraLase LASIK involves the use of better, safer technology, so there are virtually no complications with the laser-created flaps. In addition, when the flap is repositioned over the cornea it fits snugly, so there is less chance of it moving around.

IntraLase LASIK enhances the precision of the eye surgeon, especially when working with patients with thin or abnormally shaped corneas. The recovery time with IntraLase LASIK is shorter, and it yields better results for most patients.

Call 703-834-9777 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Griffiths to find out how LASIK surgery can benefit you.

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