Is winter the Best Time for miraDry Laser Treatment?

If you suffer from excessive and persistent underarm sweating, even on cold winter days, miraDry may be the solution for you. miraDry can cure your underarm sweating and leave you sweat-free. But since laser treatments are often scheduled in the winter months, you may be wondering if winter is the best time for miraDry treatment.

What is miraDry?

miraDry is a minimally invasive FDA approved treatment for excessive underarm sweating (axillary hyperhidrosis). miraDry uses electromagnetic waves to destroy sweat and odor glands in the underarm, and this shuts down sweat production in the treated areas.

How miraDry works

A temporary tattoo template is placed on the underarms and is used as a guide during treatment. The underarms are then numbed and the miraDry device is placed directly on the targeted areas. The handpiece delivers miraWave energy to destroy the sweat and odor glands.

Side-effects such as swelling and tenderness may occur after miraDry treatment, but there is really no downtime. Most patients need 2 treatments for maximum results.

Is Winter the Best Time for miraDry Laser Treatment?

Winter is a great time to have miraDry treatment, because patients will be sweat-free by the time summer comes around. They can therefore avoid the embarrassment of having sweat soaked underarms during the hot summer months. In addition, they can dare to wear sleeveless clothing and not have to stress about dressing to avoid looking sweaty.

It’s also easier to schedule downtime in the winter if necessary, because most people get extra time off from work during the holidays.

Are you ready to end your battle with sweat stains? Search our directory to find a practice in your area.

If you are in the Plymouth Meeting, PA area, The Pennsylvania Center for Plastic Surgery is our featured practice.

You can reach them at, or by calling (267)-687-2180.

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