Mole evaluation and removal methods

A mole is a very common skin feature that is generally quite harmless. However, there are times when changes in the characteristics of a mole, may necessitate an evaluation, to determine if it requires removal.  This type of assessment is necessary, since many skin cancers start out as irregular spots.

About Moles

Moles are spots on the skin that develop when clusters of pigment cells grow together. These cells are known as melanocytes and produce melanin, which is the pigment that makes the skin dark .

Moles can be found virtually anywhere on the skin.  They can be flat or raised, and usually have an even color which is darker than your skin tone. In addition, moles are usually round in shape, brown or black in color, and have a round shape (read more).

Mole Evaluation

When the shape, size, or color of a mole changes a mole evaluation may be required, to decide if the mole has to be removed. You should also have a mole checked if it starts to itch, burn, or becomes painful.

The dermatologists at the Skin Care Center in Illinois examine the skin with a melanoma-detecting device, to determine the normal vs the abnormal moles. The specifics of treatment will be influenced by the findings of the examination.

Mole Removal

Moles that are suspicious for skin cancer are usually removed and tested, but moles are also removed for cosmetic reasons. There are different methods that can be used to remove them. A mole may be surgically excised, or a shave biopsy may be recommended. It all depends on the type and location of the mole.

If you need help with mole evaluation and removal, then you can contact the Skin Care Center in Chicago, IL, at 773-296-3636. They also have offices in Glenview (847-901-0252) and in Lake Forrest (847-234-6121). You can also visit them online at

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