What areas of the body can CoolSculpting target?

Are you in relatively good shape but have a few stubborn fat bulges that diet and exercise haven’t been able to get rid of? CoolSculpting may be a good option for reducing those areas. CoolSculpting is a non-invasive fat reduction treatment that freezes away unwanted fat, but what areas of the body can CoolSculpting treat.

CoolSculpting can be used on almost any part of the body. Below are 5 of the most common treatement areas for CoolSculpting:

  1. Tummy: Belly fat is a problem for both men and women, so it’s not surprising that the abdomen is a popular treatment area. CoolSculpting can remove that stubborn abdominal fat that doesn’t seem to go away, even with diet and exercise.
  2. Flanks: Most people struggle with extra fat on the sides aka ‘love handles,’ but it’s possible to freeze off those love handles with CoolSculpting.
  3. Thighs: Some people have extra fat on the thighs even when the rest of their body is toned. CoolSculpting treats both the inner and outer thighs, and clients can get even faster results with DualSculpting.
  4. Below the chin: Surgery was once the only way to get rid of a ‘double chin,’ but now CoolSculpting can reduce under-chin fat. There’s even a smaller applicator called the CoolMini, which is specially designed for the area.
  5. Upper arms: CoolSculpting treats excess fat in the upper arms, giving them a toned appearance.

Back fat, bra fat, and the area beneath the buttocks (banana roll), can also be targeted with CoolSculpting.

Are you ready to schedule your CoolSculpting treatment? Search our directory to find a practice in your area.

If you are in the Memphis, Germantown & Collierville, TN areas, Levy Dermatology is our featured practice.

You can reach them at www.levydermatology.com, or by calling (901) 295-0203.

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