What is the difference between Medical & Surgical Dermatology?

Just about everyone desires healthy, glowing skin, but illness and stress can  adversely affect the skin, and lead to recurring skin issues. Many of these problems can be corrected by consulting a board certified dermatologist, who specializes in medical and surgical treatments. But what is the difference between medical and surgical dermatology.

Medical Dermatology
Medical dermatology focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions that affect the skin, and also the nails and hair. The types of conditions treated include eczema, rashes, psoriasis, and acne.Skin cancer evaluations are also done, as well as evaluation of moles and other growths.

Surgical Dermatology
Surgical dermatology concerns the treatment of diseases of the skin, nails, and hair, by way of surgery. This typically includes the treatment of benign or malignant skin grows including cancer, and other abnormal growths that may be dangerous. Mohs surgery is an advanced surgical treatment for skin cancer.

Most dermatologists perform these two functions along with cosmetic dermatology, which focuses on improving a patient’s appearance rather than treating a specific disease. Surgical dermatology also covers some aspects of cosmetic dermatology, such as facelifts.

Medical & Surgical Dermatology, IL
At the Skin Care Center, we have a team of board certified dermatologists that are highly skilled and experienced in all forms of dermatology. We also have the necessary dermatologic instruments and equipment, to improve skin blemishes and discolorations.

If you are looking for exceptional skin care specialists to handle your skin concerns, contact the Skin Care Center, Chicago, IL. We have an array of excellent services designed to restore the health and quality of your skin. Call us today at 773-296-3636 to make an appointment with our Chicago office, at 847-234-6121 for Lake Forest, or 847-901-0252 for Glenview.

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