What is the process for fat transfer (aka lipo-augmentation)?

Fat transfer is trending in cosmetic circles, as thousands of people who don’t want to go the implant route are choosing this alternative. It involves taking fat from one part of your body, and transferring it to another. But what is the process for fat transfer (aka lipo-augmentation), and how does it work.

What is Fat transfer?
Fat transfer or autologous fat transfer, is a technique that uses fat to augment areas of the body that have lost volume due to the effects of aging.

The Process
Clients interested in fat transfer must have sufficient donorfat to be considered for lipo-augmentation.The removal of the fat from the donor site is the first step in the fat transfer process. The abdomen, flanks, and thighs, are the most common areasfrom which fat is harvested via liposuction.

Once the fat is removed, it is processed and purified, before being re-injected into the body. Tiny syringes are used to carefully inject the fat into the areas that need volume restored.

After treatment there is generally some swelling, and the treated areas may also be sensitive to the touch. The results can take 1-3 weeks to show.

Where can fat be placed?
The number of fat transfer patients keeps on increasing, because the procedure is seen as a safer alternative to synthetic implants. These are traditionally used in surgeries such as breast augmentation, and butt augmentation. The back of the hands and the face, are other areas where fat is commonly placed.

If you live in or around Guilford, Connecticut, contact the Langdon Center for Laser and Cosmetic Surgery, to find out more about fat transfer.

Call us today at 844-551-9880, to set up a consultation with Dr. Robert Langdon.

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