What is cervical kyphosis and why is it a problem?

Have you ever wondered why you have a curve in your neck, and why it’s important? The curve is actually vital to overall health, as it supports the head and spine, and helps maintain balance and flexibility. If the curve should straighten, you would probably end up experiencing discomfort in your neck and back, just ask anyone with cervical kyphosis. People with the condition often experience a lot of pain, but what exactly is cervical kyphosis and why is it a problem.

Understanding Cervical Kyphosis

Cervical kyphosis is the term given to the loss of the natural curve of the cervical spine (neck). The cervical spine has a lordotic curve, which means that it extends slightly inward, much like a ‘C’ turned backward.

Poor postural habits, in particular forward head posture or FHP, can cause the curve to flatten. FHP is a misalignment of the spine in which the head tilts forward, and is not directly above the neck and shoulders.

Cervical kyphosis may also be caused by general wear and tear due to aging, which can lead to degenerative disc disease.

Why is cervical kyphosis a problem?

When there is a deviation from the normal spinal alignment, the muscular and vascular systems experience undue pressure. With cervical kyphosis, the curve may deepen, straighten out, or face the wrong direction. These are all changes that can affect the stability of the head and spine. Common symptoms of cervical kyphosis include acute neck pain, headaches, difficulty walking, and diminished range of motion in the neck.


People with cervical kyphosis can regain normal posture with the help of the Posture Pump Disc Hydrator. The device decompresses and shapes the spine, and also provides lubrication. Visit www.posturepump.com to find out more.

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