What is vulvodynia and Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome?

There are a number of female conditions that women have had to endure for years, without being able to get long-term relief. This includes disorders such as vulvodynia and vulvar vestibulitis syndrome. However, thanks to continuous research, the medical community now has a greater understanding of these once ‘mysterious’ conditions. Consequently, they can now answer questions such as – what is vulvodynia and vulvar vestibulitis syndrome.

What is Vulvodynia?

Chronic pain in the vulva is known as vulvodynia. The condition makes the genitals extremely sensitive, often rendering activities such as sitting for extended periods or exercising, uncomfortable and painful.   Other symptoms of vulvodynia include itching, rawness, and stinging. Symptoms are often mild, but can also be very severe.

What is Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome (VVS)?

VVS also refers to pain in the vulva region, but in this case, the pain is localized in the area of the vulvar vestibule. It is therefore a type of vulvodynia.  Women with VVS often find sexual intercourse painful, and even inserting tampons can cause extreme discomfort.

Vulvodynia and VVS are similar, but not the same, as the pain often has diverse causes and is located in different parts of the vulva. It is these subtle differences that often make treating these conditions difficult, as there is no one remedy that can be used to treat every woman that has the symptoms.  Accurate diagnosis of the location of the pain is therefore important, in ensuring effective treatment.

At Fowler GYN International (FGI), they utilize an advanced diagnostic approach to determine the etiology of vulvodynia and VVS. As a result of this, they are able to design an individualized treatment plan that targets the affected vulva region.

If you’d like to find out more about vulvodynia and vulvar vestibulitis syndrome, call FGI at 480-420-4001. You can also set up a consultation with Dr. R. Stuart Fowler online, at www.fowlergyninternational.com/contact-us.

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