When Can I see Results From Liposuction?

If you want to get rid of areas of stubborn fat on your body, liposuction is the top solution. Everyone knows how well liposuction works, but patients are always anxious to see the benefits of the procedure, so they usually want to know – When can I see results from liposuction.

What is liposuction?
Liposuction is a surgical procedure that is used to remove excess fat from various parts of the body. The operation is done by inserting a cannula (thin hollow tube)under the skin to break up the fat. The fat is then removed with suction attached at the opposite end.

Liposuction is not intended for obese people, as it is not a solution for weight loss, but is meant to remove localized fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise.

When can you see results from liposuction?
Although liposuction gets rid of unwanted fat right away, the results are not visible immediately. That’s because there is generally some bruising and swelling after the procedure, and these side-effects resolve gradually, as the body heals from surgery.

Recovery after liposuction takes about 6-8 weeks, and patients normally have to wear a compression garment for about 7-14 days. The compression garment helps to minimize swelling and improve the shape of the body.

Swelling after liposuction can persist for up to 6 months, and this will conceal the results. However, the majority of the swelling goes down within 3 months, so most patients will see their new shape about 3-4 months after the procedure (click here to learn more).

Are you considering getting liposuction? Search our directory to find a practice in your area.

If you are in the Franklin, TN area Life at Cool Springs is our featured practice.

You can reach them at www.lifecoolsprings.com, or by calling (615) 472-8118.

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