Will Facials Improve My Dark Sun Spots?

Are dark sun spots preventing you from having the flawless skin you desire? If the answer is yes, it may be time to consider getting a facial. It’s well-known that facials are a great way to restore the health of your skin. But will facials improve your dark sun spots.

What causes dark sun spots?
Dark sun spots or hyperpigmentation are caused by the excess production of melanin, resulting in dark spots or patches on the skin. Melanin is the pigment that gives skin its color. The creation of extra melanin is triggered by long term sun exposure.

Will facials improve my dark sun spots?
Yes, facials can improve the appearance of dark sun spots, because they exfoliate and refresh the skin. There are different types of facials available, but dermaplaning facials, deep pore facials, and chemical peels, are among the most effective options for dark sunspots (learn more).

• Dermaplaning removes dead skin cells from the uppermost layer of the skin. This involves the use of a surgical scalpel to scrape away the unwanted skin cells. The new fresh skin that comes to the surface is brighter and clearer, so discoloration is diminished.
• A deep pore facial also improves dark sun spots as it extracts impurities, and exfoliates the skin. It goes deep into the pores to clear oil and other debris that congest the skin, and this helps to clear the complexion.
• Chemical peels are exfoliating treatments that remove the upper layers of dead skin cells, so the skin appears brighter. Peels also enhance cell turnover, so dark spots become less prominent over time.

Are you ready to get rid of those dark sunspots? Search our directory to find a practice in your area.

If you are in the Long Beach, CA area, Laser Skin Care Center Dermatology Associates is our featured practice.

You can reach them at www.lasercarespecialists.com, or by calling (562) 376-2930.

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